The grass cutter system is the title chosen for use in the manufacture of robot that we have customized. Grass cutting system is an easy to use grass cutting system. As we can see, nowadays people do not care about home activities as we are always lazy about the situation around the house. This project is a systematic system of grass cutting that uses the former robot sumo making the purpose of this project targeted at low land or land or landed areas such as playground, housing areas and etc. As we can see, people nowadays are not involved in the care of growing plants due lack of time, and they find it difficult to handle from time to time. So, this will have an adverse effect on our nature in the future. This new systemis the ideal system to provide an easy method as it does not have to handle it in a hurry. Therefore, we make a lawn mower system using high tech with controls by remote controller in the hand. This system will inspire, engage and support people to take their personal responsibility of taking care the environment and making it fun and sustainable. This project will be implementing using Arduino UNOby using C programming language. Also L298N that we are used a motor driver.