This project is to design an intelligence of line following mobile robot for charity application in the mosque during jumaat prayers. Mobile robots have been widely used of application in the industry as well as our daily life. An automatic mobile robot is capable of movement in a given environment. The purpose of this project is to make sure the mobile robot follows along the black line. It is focus only in the Pusat Islam on the Friday prayer.The Microcontroller Arduino Uno (ATmega328P) programming that is attached directly to the controller circuit motor driver (L293D) controls this mobile robot. The robot detects the Black line by using two IR sensors consists of transmitter and receiver that are put under the mobile robot, which is right side and left side. The program in the Arduino Uno microcontroller board controls this sensor. This robot is driven by two DC motors which are controlled by the program in the Arduino Uno (ATmega328P) microcontroller board.This DC motor is used to move the robot in forward direction. It goes forward along the black line and stops IR sensor detect white line at the end of junction. After a few second that is the timer is controlled by the programming, the robot will go forward again. The mobile robot will move slowly along the Black line that is in front of the 'saf to get easy to people to put the money in the box given.