The Islamic system of distribution of wealth is to enable everyone to get what rightfully his.
Islam considers that wealth must be allowed to circulate in society as widely as possible,
so the distinction between the rich and the poor should be narrowed down as far as is
natural and practicable. So, according to the Islamic point of view, not only those who have
directly participated in the production of wealth but those to whom Allah has made is
obligatory upon others to help are legitimate sharers in wealth. Hence, the poor, helpless,
the needy, the paupers and the destitute, they also have a right to wealth.
Effective Revision Series: Distribution of Income and Wealth in Islamic Economic is the
book which designed to provide knowledge of justice in distribution income and wealth
according to Islam. The contents of this book are in accordance with the syllabus of basic
Islamic economics courses. This book thus aims to make the learning of distribution of
wealth in Islam interesting, easy and applicable to daily life. It presents the contents in
simpler way to enlighten students in concept of zakat, waqf and also discussed Islamic
distribution of inheritance on faraid, wasiyyah (will) and hibah (gift).